How to increase potency and improve erection

nuts to increase potency

Since ancient times, there has been a search for means that could help a man. I drank the love potion and, please, appeared before the woman in full strength and readiness. Such funds were called "aphrodisiacs". Despite centuries of research, the vast majority of these remedies were either tonic, like ginseng and vitamins, or energizing, like coffee and chocolate, or simply talismans, acting purely psychologically. The only effective remedy was the bark of the African yohimbe tree.

No wonder they say that the largest sexual organ is in our head. It is the brain that is in charge of all manifestations of the human sexual sphere: it creates an emotional mood, the need for sexual intercourse, attraction to the opposite sex and provides reactions that realize this attraction.

In the language of science, attraction to the opposite sex is called libido. Against the background of libido, erotic pictures in combination with irritation of the corresponding zones cause excitement of the genital center in the brain. As a result, nerve impulses rush from this center to various organs and make the heart flutter, and breathing quickens. Blood pressure rises. Under the guidance of the centers of the spinal cord, the penis fills with blood, increases and strains many times (4-10 times). This is how an erection occurs. Emotional arousal and activation of the glans penis lead to the contraction of seminal vesicles and the release of sperm - ejaculation and orgasm. Disruption of the coordinated work of any of these links can cause sexual dysfunction, primarily the loss of the ability to erect.

Why is it so difficult to influence the behavior of the penis? After all, a person usually controls his body well: even with closed eyes and in zero gravity, his hands and feet are completely subject to will. But the point is that we can only command those muscles that attach to the bones. But there are other muscles that are beyond our control. They are located in the walls of internal organs and blood vessels. The penis is under the control of such muscles, and therefore almost does not depend on the will of the owner.

Nevertheless, his behavior is determined by nerve impulses. The system of nervous regulation resembles a telegraph communication. At the command post, an "order" appears in the form of electrical signals that run along wires - nerves. At the end of the wire a "telegraph operator" sits, translating current impulses into orders, which are transmitted to the organs. These orders are the substances that cause the muscles to contract and relax.

Inside the penis are two so-called cavernous bodies. Muscles pass along the walls of the "caves", thanks to which they can change their volume. In the normal, "flaccid" state, the muscles of the corpora cavernosa and the muscles of the small arteries of the penis are in a state of weak contraction - tone. A small amount of blood constantly circulates in them, but this is not enough to give the penis elasticity.

The situation changes completely with sexual arousal. The genitals receive powerful impulses that cause relaxation of muscle fibers in the walls of the arteries and cavernous bodies of the penis. As a result, the penis and corpus cavernosum are filled with arterial blood, increasing in size - an erection occurs.

When sexual arousal falls, the muscles in the cavernous bodies contract and squeeze blood out of them, like water from a sponge - the end of an erection.

The substance that tells the muscles to relax is called acetylcholine. It is quickly destroyed by a special enzyme. When rats were injected with substances that suspend the action of this enzyme, they copulated for hours. However, these substances do not act selectively.

American scientists have proposed another solution to this problem. In 1998, they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of a special chemical link between acetylcholine and muscle. It is nitric oxide, which provides the formation of substances that lead to relaxation of the muscles of the corpora cavernosa and to an erection. Now pharmacologists are able to control this process.

At what age does an erection appear and when does it normally disappear?

The first physiological erections occur in boys as early as 5-6 years old and are not associated with erotic experiences. Then erections become more frequent, and during puberty they already arise as a manifestation of attraction to the opposite sex. The maximum ability for an erection in a man is about 20 years old, then it gradually decreases, but completely disappears for everyone at one time - for someone it remains up to 90 years old, for someone it is lost even after 40 years.

What diseases lead to the loss of the ability to erect?

First of all, alcoholism, since in large doses alcohol has a detrimental effect on the ability to erect. The same is true for drugs, especially cocaine, ecstasy, phenamine: they increase potency for a short time, but literally after a few tricks "turn it off". Reduces potency and prostatitis, and diabetes mellitus, and some hormonal diseases, as well as vascular sclerosis, especially the vessels of the lower extremities. The same happens if, without the advice of a doctor, they begin to take male sex hormones - their excess acts in exactly the opposite way. Depression, anxiety, and the expectation of some troubles also have a bad effect.

When does erection breakdown occur?

In young people, an erection during the first intercourse often breaks down due to excessive arousal. The more a young man desires intimacy, the more difficult it is to get an erection. And here the tactful behavior of a woman is very important - after all, sometimes the reason is in herself, in the fact that she said or did something wrong. If something does not work out with repeated contacts, pathology can be suspected. In general, a particular woman does not mean so much to a man at the age of 20, but the older he becomes, the more important her individuality becomes for him.

How does the intensity of sexual activity affect the erection?

Any deviation from the norm, both excess and deficiency, has a bad effect. It is known that long breaks - several months - reduce erection. There is even such a thing as "the impotence of sailors. "On the other hand, 7-8 intercourse per week can also reduce potency.

What can be considered the norm of sex life?

Each, of course, has its own. But on average, for a married man, this is 2-3 intercourse per week. The minimum, normal frequency is once every two weeks.

Is the ability to conceive associated with an erection?

Directly no. In a man, the peak in the production of sex hormones is reached by the age of 30, and the potency at this time is already decreasing, although very gradually. The ability to conceive lasts much longer. Although, if infertility is associated with a lack of sex hormones, erection may also decrease.

How does physical activity affect?

Moderate physical activity increases potency, excessive exercise reduces it. And it's not just fatigue that is to blame. Building powerful muscles "takes" a lot of sex hormones, as a result, the potency decreases. This should be remembered for those who are fond of bodybuilding.

How to increase potency: folk recipes to increase potency

Statistics say that almost every third man faces a sexual problem from time to time. In this article, we will touch upon only some interesting recipes of traditional medicine to increase potency. Let's first figure out why there is a decrease in libido, what factors, according to doctors, affect potency. Of course, we are talking about a temporary phenomenon, and not about a serious illness in which it is necessary to consult a doctor and, first of all, find out the cause.

Different circumstances affect the temporary and relative decrease in potency. These are chronic stress, physical and psychological stress, strong mental turmoil . . .

Alcohol and tobacco also have a negative effect on potency. Smoking leads to vasoconstriction, and this is fraught with a decrease in the blood supply to the genitals.

If some stressful situation influenced the decrease in potency, then there is only one recipe - to give the body an opportunity to rest (even from sex), to relax:

  • light massage;
  • yoga classes - special exercises activate blood circulation in the pelvic and genital area;
  • fragrant baths.

Folk recipe: relaxing bay leaf baths. Brew the leaves and pour the infusion into the bath, add the infusion of chamomile flowers, take 15-30 minutes before going to bed. Or leave laurel leaves in cold water for 12 hours and then also take a bath.

Doctors say that if the cause of sexual impotence is various diseases (diabetes, obesity, exhaustion, cardiovascular diseases), then it is imperative to treat the underlying disease, and then the problem with potency will disappear, and in other cases - to calm and strengthen the body. And you need to start with a normal diet. So, for men, firstly, protein food is very important. These are meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, soybeans.

An old and well-known recipe is scrambled eggs. The easiest option is eggs fried in oil. For greater effect, you can fry the eggs with onions. Onions also help to increase sexual activity, give energy to the body. In addition, meat increases the sexual power of men, but you should never overeat.

If the meat is boring, eat fish. Fresh, well-cooked mackerel, crayfish broth - all this helps to increase sexual potency. For garnish - vegetables, which contain many different vitamins: beets in any form, radishes, turnips, olives, carrots.

Sexual activity is increased by seafood. Oysters, rapana, mussels in a spicy sauce will be just right. For the sauce, fry the onions, add a few drops of lemon juice, celery, parsley (these herbs have a stimulating effect) and tomatoes, cook everything. Pour over the oysters baked in the oven with this sauce.

By the way, about tomatoes. Tomatoes enhance the activity of the sex glands. True, the greatest benefit for men from them is if the tomatoes are baked in the oven or extinguished, that is, subjected to heat treatment. It is not in vain that temperamental Italians consider such a mixture as the basis of many dishes: tomatoes, garlic, olive oil.

Have nuts and seeds always on hand. They contain vitamin E, which also keeps you in shape. Walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds. Sesame seeds in India are advised to be consumed with honey. Toast the sesame seeds and mix with honey. In India, for example, coriander is used to increase libido. It is added to various baked goods.

The most delicious recipe offered in many folk remedies is a mixture of honey with walnuts. Prepare a mixture of equal parts honey and crushed walnut kernels, take 30 minutes after meals 2-3 times a day, 2 teaspoons for 3-4 weeks.

Figs are also used by southern peoples to increase potency. It acts as a strength-strengthening agent, stimulating the work of the heart (which is very important), liver and kidneys.

Another recipe from the folk medicine. Pine nut kernels are ground by adding water, and half a glass of this white liquid is taken a day.

Among the peoples of Transcaucasia, fermented milk products are also used to increase sexual desire: gatyg, yogurt. Tea and coffee are also stimulating drinks. And in Transcaucasia, they are also brewed with the addition of various spices: cloves (by the way, it is used for the same purposes in China), ginger powder, saffron.

In Central Asia, pistachios are considered a means of increasing male strength and strengthening the heart.

In Greece, olive oil is considered an indispensable remedy for impotence. Olive oil is rich in fatty acids and provides nourishment and energy to the genitals.